Archives: THE HOME-MAKING. Moderated by Neil Nagwekar 1. Homemakers in Contemporary Women's Fiction Sutapa Basu, Mona Verma, Tanushree Podder 2. Home-Making the Self: Understanding Philosophical and Psychological Underpinnings of Mental Health Chrisanne Creado, Phil. D'Souza, Syed Abdul Sayeed and Noella D'Souza 3. Can Recollections Repair Families Radhika Swaroop 4. Legal Redressal for Abused Indian Housewives Flavia Agnes 5. Unhomely Spaces: Culture Clashes and Poisonous Silver Spoons 'In the …

  • Excerpts - The Floods Project - TMYS Review September 2021

    POEMS ---- Title: When the Flood Stops Poet: Chaitali Sengupta Poet Intro: Chaitali Sengupta is a writer and a poet by passion, a financial analyst and a language teacher by profession. She’s a translator and volunteer journalist, based in the Netherlands. “Cross Stitched words”, her debut collection of prose-poems, has been recently published by SETU publications, USA. Her two translated works (from Bengali to English) are “Quiet whispers of our heart” & “A thousand words of heart”. She has con…
