Project 1: Working Women in History
TMYS Review June 2025
For the years 2025-26, TMYS Review is working on the theme of WORKING WOMEN.
Upcoming projects are:
December 2025 - *Working women in Literature*
June 2026 - *Working women in Art and Sports*
December 2026 - *Unpaid Labour, Unemployed, Honorary Positions and Extended Identities*
TMYS Review June 2025 will explore Working Women in History. The project will be divided into three sub-themes:
1. Formally Employed Women - Parliamentarians, Educators, Doctors, Civil Servants and others.
2. Women Warriors, Activists and Reformers.
2. Women Outlaws, Radicals and Extremists.
Call for Submissions
Short Stories, Poems and Essays on
Based on any of the three sub-themes defined above.
Selected contributions will be compiled into Ebooks & paperback publications for TMYS Review June 2025.
Under the scope of the project, PANEL DISCUSSIONS (topics and panelists are listed below, please scroll down) are organised with senior scholars, professors, researchers, authors, journalists and other professionals who have worked extensively on such contexts falling under the three sub-themes listed above and have minutely studied their history, culture, occurrence, circumstances and more. This project endeavours to add to the existing body of study materials on this subject.
1. Youth engagement with a network of entities that have researched or contributed towards exposing the hidden and/or understanding the complicated dimensions of the theme (and sub-themes).
2. To curate critical insights for global learning and inspiration on the social, political and personal dynamics of the Working women in History - highlighting the narratives and contributions of all those women whose body of work in various capacities managed to (i) break stereotypes (ii) raise the benchmarks (iii) create stories of courage and unbending determination (iv) usher a change in the journeys of women (and men) for the generations to come.
3. Invite attention towards the historical and contemporary practices that have influenced generations, impacted the society, the economy, the present and future of countries.
1. TMYS Review June 2025 invites essays, short stories or poems on the mentioned theme; the submission must cater to one of the sub-themes.
2. Carefully curated panel discussions on the sub-themes will be hosted live on TMYS social media.
Please scroll below for DIGITAL CONVERSATIONS for the titles and the delegate speakers.
3. Submissions citing one or more discussions from the DIGITAL CONVERSATION/S for information and inputs will carry additional weightage.
4. A selection of short stories, essays and poems will be published in TMYS Review June 2025. The issue will be available in ebook and paperback formats across the world, distributed via Amazon.
5. All submissions under the anthology will enter as nominations for the WRITING TALENT AWARD for TMYS Review, 2025 under our annual Awards programme, where FOUR submissions from the TMYS Review projects will be honoured with specially curated gift hampers - one for each.
6. All submissions under the anthology will enter as nominations for the DR. VASUMATHI KAMINENI AWARD for TMYS Review, 2025 under our annual Awards programme, where FOUR submissions from TMYS Review will be honoured with cash awards of INR 3000/- (USD36) each. This award is designed to honour Dr. Vasumathi Kamineni, a practicing Paediatrician for more than 40 years (now retired) and is being sponsored by her son, Dr. Rajeev Kamineni.
7. Four selected contributions per year will receive Letters of Excellence from Dr. Rajeev Kamineni (Author, Academician and Film Producer, based in Australia).
*All selections will be made purely on the basis of the merits of the submission.
** Winners of all the awards/rewards for the year will be announced after December 2025.
1. TMYS Review June 2025 invites short stories, poems or essays on the above-mentioned theme. All submissions to TMYS Review that do not follow the guidelines will be rejected.
2. The submissions MUST justify either or more of the sub-themes mentioned above. The content doesn't need to restrict to Indian situations. We welcome contributions on and from other parts of the world.
3. Selected submissions will be published in TMYS Review June 2025 (ebook and paperback, distributed via Amazon).
4. The contributors are free to refer to our digital conversations with the delegates (details below). At the end of the submission files, the citation must mention the referred talks if consulted, in the following format. Submissions with such citations will carry greater weightage for selection/recognition.
Chandra, Nishita, Somrita Urni Ganguly and Sarmila Paul. “Gendered Subjectivities Governing Nutrition Patterns”. Religious History of Food Consumption Series. “Cultural Identity & Ideology (II)”. Interview by Stella Chitralekha Biswas. TMYS Review. 5 June 2022,
PN. the order: (i) Names of panelists - surname of the panelist that comes first in alphabetical order, followed by the names of other panelists (ii) session topic (iii) sub-theme (iv) annual theme (v) interviewer name (vi) TMYS Review in italics (vii) date of discussion (viii) link of discussion.
5. The short stories could be fiction or nonfiction, 1200-2000 words.
The essays should be 2500-3000 words. Essay submissions should be accompanied by an Abstract (no more than 300 words). Works cited in essays should follow MLA9 format.
Submission upto 5 poems will be accepted against each registration.
6. Last date of submission: 10 February 2025
7. All submissions should be accompanied with the bio-brief (around 150 words, written in third person) and photograph of the author. Mentioning the social media links (Facebook/Linkedin/Twitter/Instagram) of the contributors in the email body is encouraged; it will help us to tag when we promote the submissions.
8. All submissions should be word files, attached and emailed to; while making a submission, mention in the subject line <the title of the essay/story/poem, name of the delegate speaker in citation (if it applies) and June 2025.
9. All submissions should use Calibri/Times New Roman, font size 12; font size 16 for headings and font size 14 for sub headings if any. Line spacing : 1.5.
10. Only original and previously unpublished work will be considered.
11. A participation fee of INR 300/- (USD 5 for contributors outside India) will be charged per contribution.
This is a non-refundable fee, but we will do our best to cooperate in case you have made an error that can be corrected to help you resubmit. In each such case, our decision will be final.
Tell Me Your Story OPC Pvt. Ltd.
A/c no : 059685800000177, Yes Bank. Branch - Shankardhan Plaza Junction, MM Road, Mulund West, Mumbai 400080, IFS Code : YESB0000596.
Contributors outside India can send us an email and we shall raise a Paypal link for them.
Post making the payment, please send a mail at to register yourself.
***Registration doesn't guarantee publication***
12. Simultaneous/multiple submissions are accepted, with the same fee for each submission.
13. Decision of the Project Delegate/s, the Project Team and the Editors will be final.
14. Before publishing (in book form) we run a plagiarism check. We also have devised a system where the contributors sign a declaration stating that their submissions are original. Cases of fraud, discrepencies or false declarations signed will be taken up very strongly.
15. Contact for Queries : write QUERIES in subject line and send us an email at; we apologise in advance for not responding to obvious or irrelevant queries.
TMYS Facebook LIVE with global thought-leaders. Topics are listed below. Date and times for each panel discussion are flashed on our social media.
(I) Formally Employed Women - Parliamentarians, Educators, Doctors, Civil Servants and others. (Organised by Ankita Roy).
1. Medical Mavericks: The Impact of Women's Aid in Healthcare Innovation.
(Doctors, nurses, scientists discovering critical medicines, women leading pharma or healthcare companies, mental health professionals. Impact of women's touch and women's communication in the healing of patients.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
2. Senatorial: Female Leaders in Administrative Roles.
(Parliamentarians, Civil Services, Armed Forces, Gram Panchayat etc.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
3. Environmentalists: Women Scientists, Lawyers and Policy-makers working for Climate Preservation.
(To understand women’s contribution with reference to discoveries, academia, the changing laws for climate preservation and hence revisiting the policies.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
4. Women in Artificial Intelligence and Feminist Technology.
(What is feminist technology, what gaps is this branch of study exploring, what research is happening here and how women are leading and pushing this.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
(II). Women Warriors, Activists and Reformers (Organised by Joyashree Dey).
1. Women Warriors from Global History.
(Queens leading wars and/or common women being trained for armed revolution.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
2. Women in the Shadows: Support Systems Behind Male Leaders.
(Women who trained or supported men in building very successful academic, artistic, administrative or military careers.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
3. Peacemakers and Reformers: Stories of Diplomacy from Conflict Zones.
(Spiritual reformers and activists – like, Brahma, Bhakti, Sufi etc. singing for peace and spreading the word of love. Also key figures related to peace agreements and reforms like Malala Yousafzal, Amal Clooney, etc.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
4. Laughter and Liberation: Women's Humour and Activism for Social Change.
(Women in stand-up comedy; fun or sarcastic speeches by women; female voices in children's cartoons; etc.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
(III). Women Outlaws, Radicals and Extremists. (Organised by Sourabhi Dutta Roy).
1. Innocence to Radicalism: Women Who Resorted to Violence.
(Extreme survival strategies of women including male bashing and/or dominance by inducing fear. Phulan Devi, Gangubai, Haseena Parker and suchlike.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
2. True Crime and the legacy of the Femme Fatales.
(Women criminals ranging from killers to kidney sellers to the very recent case of a woman teaching how to rape a child via online classes!)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
3. Fighting from the Shadows: Jane Does of the Outlaws.
(Naxals, separatists, and suchlike. Not spies and war martyrs – this panel is about those who would stand against the establishment and retort to killing and bloodshed for an armed revolution.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR
4. Female Rage Inspiring Social Revolution.
(Stories of women who were criticized, outcast and forced to face many kinds of bans - but their rebel ended up opening doors for the others.)
Delegate Speakers: TBR